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Business Continuity

Business Continuity Management

The Business Continuity Management (BCM) program includes a range of key activities from:

  1. Program Initiation and Management;

  2. Risk Assessment;

  3. Business Impact Analysis;

  4. Business Continuity Strategies;

  5. Incident Response;

  6. Plan Development and Implementation;

  7. Awareness and Training Programs

  8. Business Continuity Plan Exercise, Assessment, and maintenance;

  9. Crisis Communications;

  10. Coordination with External Agencies;

Through to establishing a Business Continuity Management System (BCMS) aligned with ISO22301.


Acertia has the expertise to deliver all of these and more, either in support, or by taking the lead, or in fact being in full control of the program providing ongoing maintenance through to Audit.

ICT Disaster Recovery

The ICT Disaster Recovery (DR), linked to a full review of telecommunications provision and capacity, aligned with ITIL and ISO 20000, taking consideration of ISO 27001 provides the building blocks for a Resilience Solution.


Acertia are able to provide the expertise necessary for the delivery of a workable ICT DR Solution, from identifying the MTPoD, RTO and RPO, critical & essential elements, production of the DR Plan, through to its testing and ongoing maintenance.


Crisis Management

The Crisis Management arrangements for any organization require command, control and communications, media handling, and a full understanding of roles & responsibilities by Crisis Management Team (CMT) members.


Acertia are able to deliver all of the above, and more, using its own staff’s operational experience to produce plans and transfer experience to CMT members through realistic training and exercising.


Testing & Exercising

The testing & exercising of “Plans” need to have a series of supporting processes, from agreeing the initial concept, producing the exercise script, delivery and follow-up.


Acertia through their experience have delivered exercises to all types of organizations, and transferred knowledge to participants through realistic scenarios, producing a full report with recommendations for next steps.


ISO 22301 Gap Analysis & Audit

The Gap Analysis, either used for developed BCM Programmes or prior to an organization establishes direction, saves cost and can deliver real changes. 


Acertia have the necessary expertise to carry out a Gap Analysis, either against ISO requirements or other International Guidelines, with team members who are BSI (British Standards Institution) Qualified Lead Auditors, BCI (Business Continuity Institute) and Institute of Civil Protection & Emergency Management (ICPEM) qualified.


Business Continuity Management System (BCMS) Review and Updating

The BCMS protects your organization's core operations, requiring regular review and updating in-line with your policy.


Acertia are able to provide either support director or outsourcing of this function, having the expertise to keep plans auditable either against ISO requirements or other international guidelines, with team members who are BSI (British Standards Institution) Qualified Lead Auditors, BCI (Business Continuity Institute) and Institute of Civil Protection & Emergency Management (ICPEM) qualified.


Supply Chain Review and Assessments

The supply chain is invariably your weakest link requiring an integrated process for its ongoing management.


Acertia are able to audit and review and assess the end-to-end process, and identify compatibility and strengthening purposes.

2022 © by Acertia Limited. 

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