Prevention and Control
Pre and Post Event Prevention Controls
All personnel should be trained and aware of their specific/team responsibilities for the safety of all occupants.
Enforced Security Levels
Key personnel should be trained and be capable of hard security procedures with appropriate clearance and authority.
Site Resources and Capabilities
Identification of components is needed to reduce hazardous events and risk by utilising limited site resources.
Evacuation Procedures Reviewed and Updated
Evacuation procedures must be reviewed in light of expected secondary devices, potential failure of transport systems, and possible “Hot Zone” containment.
Shelter in Place Options (SIP)
SIP is most likely to be the first choice in events where fire is not the main hazard.
Alert, Communication Techniques
Communication systems must be developed to alert responders in the first place.
Safe Haven Assessments
Safe havens must be identified to protect occupants from a variety of hazards including explosion, blast and significantly airborne contamination.
Development of Safe Haven
Safe Haven can be a room or area, under the control of an identified person, where environmental controls exist.
Plans must take into account a potential requirement for SIP to last until external danger levels have been reduced or have dissipated. Evacuation may be delayed for many days and provision for an extended stay within the safety of the campus/site/building could be required.
Information Channels
It should be accepted that in the event of a major incident, accurate assessments or information may not normally be available from your usual sources, due to unknown or secondary events, and that other means should be identified in advance.
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