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Our Associates

Terry Downing,


Terry Downing FBCS MBCI CITP CBCI, Freeman of The Worshipful Company of Information Technologists and the City of London.

Terry began his technical education with the Royal Signals (Army) in 1979, and has since held several senior positions at Hutchison Personal Communications (Rabbit), Bankers Trust, MFS/ MCI WorldCom and UUNET, and Accenture, where he held the post of Disaster Recovery Director.

Active within Cambridge3G between 2000 - 2003, Terry was a founder member, event sponsor and speaker. His industry knowledge and experience includes fixed, mobile and Internet communications..

An avid “Business Networker”, Terry was Vice Chairman of the Huntingdonshire Business Network, Chairman of the Board of Directors for Huntingdon Town Partnership, Chairman of the Huntingdon Commemoration Hall Charity and a member of the IoD Northamptonshire Committee. Due to work,and H4H commitments, Terry stepped down from these posts in 2010. When not working, Terry spends time volunteering for Help for Heroes as a Local Volunteer Coordinator.


Jeff Charlton,


Jeff’s career started in the NHS - medical physics and nuclear medicine - which provided a starting point in his military service and later in consultancy and practical CBRNe and disaster recovery. The past 30 years have seen Jeff working worldwide in disaster management and recovery and gaining international recognition as an expert in resilience, contingency planning and recovery.


As a disaster recovery and management expert, Jeff has been contracted by leading insurers and companies to undertake major complex claims resulting in a vast array of "disaster" experience and also the winning of two Disaster Recovery of the Year awards. Jeff funded and was the founding chairman of the British Damage Management Association and has sat and chaired many positions in industry bodies such as BCI London chair, various BSI and CEN EU committees, providing technical input on standards and guidelines ranging from CBRN terrorist attack to flood recovery.

The experience gained in 30 years of walking into thousands of damaged buildings and business to evaluate and triage response and physically return or manage recovery coupled with the highest relevant training and certification provides clients with a unique consultant.


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